Friday, October 29, 2004

The Spiritual Side of Horror Films

Hey all thought this would make a good discussion. I just did a review of The Grudge and loved the movie. Horror is a style that seems to receive more criticism than does even satire from Christians. I have found few movies address the spiritual side of evil like Horror and have not had an issue with it. I actually have enjoyed various sides of it. I would especially be interested in Maurice's perspective on this. I get more negative mail from the horror I review than anything, I still get mail from Dawn of the Dead. This could make a great roundtable because it obviously ruffles some feathers within the Christian Community.

David Bruce says: Importanr topic! Let's discuss do a roundtable and get some interaction.

Note: You can also read previous responses to this Roundtable hereForum

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

What About R-rated Comedy?

CHRIS UTLEY: Saw "Team America". Got some questions for you folks...

1. What are your favorite satire films? Do you prefer satire that's tasteful or satire that isn't afraid to pull the punches.

2. Is there a place for R-rated comedy in the world? How about your individual lives? How does that balance out with your walk with the Lord?

As for me: I love the Lord. I love talking about the necessity of God/Christ in modern day culture. I also love stand-up comedy...R-rated stand up comedy. I've got Richard Pryor/Chris Rock/Robin Williams CD's & DVD's in my collection. I play them often and I laugh my head off every time. Yeah the language is raw, but those comics tell the truth about life and the human experience. Period.

As raw as "Team America" is, it's a blistering funny satire about this whole War on Terror. The rawness of the film helped me to ease the tension brought upon about the whole WMD/WOT debate. Once I allowed myself to ease past my perceived mental...and spiritual...restrictions, I was able to really enjoy the film!